What is Kiwanis? Kiwanis is a world-wide service organization appealing to individuals who have the desire to become personally involved in making their community a better place to live. Kiwanians are individuals who want to know their peers, expand their circle of acquaintances and be part of their community through volunteerism.
What makes Kiwanis special?
- Member-driven clubs. Members choose the club’s meeting times, leaders and projects by examining what members want and what the community needs.
- Hands-on service. Mentoring children. Renovating playgrounds. Feeding families. Fundraising for local causes. Whatever the communities need most.
- Global impact. Our members serve the global community too. Teaming up with UNICEF, Kiwanians helped to eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus from the face of the Earth.
Meet the Kiwanis family – Since 1925, Kiwanis clubs across the nation have sponsored service leadership programs. These programs inspire children, young adults and adults with disabilities to serve their communities and develop leadership skills they can use for the rest of their lives.
- K-Kids For elementary school students, ages 6-12 k-kids.org
- Terrifc Kids A program focused on elementary student character. terrifickids.org
- Bring Up Grades An elementary program that rewards students for improving their grades. bringupgrads.org.
- Key Club For high school/secondary school students, ages 15-18 keyclub.org
- Key Leader A weekend leadership program for high school/secondary school students key-leader.org
- Circle K International The largest collegiate service organization in the world circlek.org
- Aktion Club For adults with disabilities aktionclub.org
What you can expect from being a member:
Club Meetings: we meet every Tuesday morning at 7:00am with an hour of fellowship with a purpose, breakfast, reporting of our activities and events and the last half hour is given to a featured speaker, forum or demonstration. We asked leaders in the community, business owners, special interest groups, etc. to be our guest and enlighten us on what their organization is about or doing.
Member Costs: yearly dues are $115 which includes Kiwanis International and Minnesota-Dakotas District dues. This annual fee can be paid yearly or quarterly. Breakfast meal cost is order off the menu and each member is responsible for own ticket. Kiwanis covers the speakers cost of their meal as a thank you for attending our meeting.
What is expected of you: attendance at club meetings, volunteering of your times in support of our service projects and taking part in helping organize some of our projects. What we can promise you in return is an opportunity to share your experience, knowledge and time in volunteer service to your community. Fun, fellowship and friendships are what you can expect as you participate in Kiwanis activities!
What are our club events & service projects & fundraisers:
- Northrop Park Playground Facilities: we have generated funding for the existing playground equipment, picnic shelter, bathroom facilities and are currently working on funding for an expression swing and additional sidewalk access to facilities at the park.
- Key Club at Lincoln High School: Kiwanis sponsors the LHS Key Club which is a service club that gives high school students the opportunity to learn leadership skills through doing community service projects and altruism through volunteer service projects. Kiwanis also sponsors scholarships for active Key Club members.
- **NEW IN 2024-2025 SCHOOL YEAR** Goodridge High School Key Club! We are thrilled to announce the forming of a second Key Club for Pennington County. What an opportunity expand the leadership skills we offer to Goodridge High School students We will be sponsoring their Key Club and what a way to bring our communities together.
- Haircuts 4 Kids: TRF Kiwanis provides through the local support and volunteering of stylists who offer their time to cut school age kids hair for free. We provide lunch and some activities for the kids.
- Autumn Gathering: Third week in October we hold a fundraising event where businesses, organizations or individuals sponsor a table with settings and decor and provide a salad for those attending the event to sample and vote on! Two winners: best table – best salad.
- Other support and events our local group offers: Meals on Wheels, TRF Safety Camp, Night to Unite, Salvation Army Red Kettle Bell Ringing, Picnic in the Park , LHS Key Club TTZD Conference.
Come join us as our guest at one of our meetings! No pressure – just a chance for you to see what you are missing by not being a member!
Tuesday Mornings – 7:00am – Biff’s Kitchen TRF
Tuesday Evenings – 7:00pm – Online